Welcome to my creative space. A space where I write about plants, nature connection and mothering. You could call it my living book as I´m always sharing new experiences.
If you are looking for my personal profile, I’m a Biologist, a Forest School Leader, a Community Herbalist and a mother. Of five. Born in 2004, 2008, 2010, 2013 and 2020. Otherwise, I simply am. I try to live deeply rooted, tending my heart.
I think sharing my experiences and knowledge not only enriches the life of my readers but mine as it makes me feel I’m sharing my path with like minded folk.
My name is Nitdia, it means night and day in Catalan (my mother tongue together with Spanish) and it’s a bit of a special name as my mother made it up. I was born in 1984 in Barcelona and since then, I have moved a wee bit, “finally” settling down in 2013 in central Scotland.

As a community herbalist, I aim to demystify plant medicine by inspiring and empowering you to nurture yourself, to be your own healer and support your loved ones.
Plants are medicine, a source of wild colour and craft materials, the basis of organic skincare, food for our bodies and mostly, food for our souls. They are a portal to a rooted life, and they help us to tend the weeds from our heart.
Bonding with our environment and all its inhabitants it’s as important as bonding with people. These bonds define our identity and represent the scaffolding for the development of the individual.
In addition, Nature is the best learning environment. It invites our children to develop all their capacities, offering always the right level of stimulation for each person.
As a Forest School Leader my purpose is rekindling kinship with earth for growing and development. It is not so much about connecting with Nature (since the connections have always been there) as it is about remembering and rediscovering our place in the ecosystem. By inhabiting the spaces around us we are awakening countless opportunities for growth, wonder and inspiration.
I also feel that it is crucial to talk about the importance of free play and exposure to controlled risks for the development of children and my purpose is to encourage you to explore nature with your children feeling safe, enjoying the process.

Bonding with our environment and all its inhabitants it’s as important as bonding with people. These bonds define our identity and represent the scaffolding for the development of the individual.
In addition, Nature is the best learning environment. It invites our children to develop all their capacities, offering always the right level of stimulation for each person.
As a Forest School Leader my purpose is rekindling kinship with earth for growing and development. It is not so much about connecting with Nature (since the connections have always been there) as it is about remembering and rediscovering our place in the ecosystem. By inhabiting the spaces around us we are awakening countless opportunities for growth, wonder and inspiration.
I also feel that it is crucial to talk about the importance of free play and exposure to controlled risks for the development of children and my purpose is to encourage you to explore nature with your children feeling safe, enjoying the process.

As a mother of 5 I aim to share my experience so we can support each other. I believe in a mothering that nurtures all the individuals of a family, including ourselves. Because you are the most important person in your life. I believe in putting the family in the center of our lives and I believe in honouring all our needs. Our children’s, our partner’s (if we have one) and most importantly, our own.
My training is rather eclectic but I would say I have learnt the most from the 17 years that I have been sharing with my children. When my oldest son was born, I was practically a girl myself (I was 20 years old) so in a way, I have grown up with him. Having my fifth child in the middle of a pandemic and approaching 40 has been a good learning experience as well.
Our life has taken us to many places, at the moment we live in a rural area in Scotland, and we live without school. Tomorrow you may find us in a little apartment in the city as life is constantly evolving, our needs constantly changing. By this I mean that it’s not important whether I live in a century-old stonehouse, a renovated school bus or in a micro-apartment, what matters (to me) is that when you read me you feel a little more at peace, a little more calm and connected, within your heart.